A wide variety of inevitable factors could increase crash risks no matter how experienced a driver you are. Sometimes, rain makes the roads slippery, making it difficult for wheels to grip the ground. Other times, the streets have severe damage or deep potholes, which...
Auto Accidents
5 steps you should take immediately following a car accident
For drivers in Ohio, understanding what to do in the immediate aftermath of a car accident is crucial. The steps you take can greatly affect any legal or insurance proceedings. So, it’s important to take the right steps to avoid complications and protect your...
Delaying car maintenance may lead to accidents
Regular car maintenance is costly and time-consuming, which may lead you to delay or skip essential tasks. Moreover, cars seem to work just fine without it, fostering complacency. However, neglecting to check on your car may mask underlying issues or allow existing...
What should you do if you witness a hit-and-run accident?
You may be out on a seemingly mundane day when you suddenly witness a tragic turn of events – a car deliberately fleeing an accident scene without leaving contact information or rendering reasonable aid to potential victims. Your emotional instincts may tell you to...
Does your daily commute place you at an elevated risk of a crash?
Every trip taken in a motor vehicle is risky, as drivers and passengers never know when they might experience some kind of freak accident or cross paths with someone who makes bad choices. The more often someone drives, the greater their overall risk of a crash....
Driving in lake-effect snow this winter
Those of us who live and work in proximity to Lake Erie must learn to cope while driving with lake-effect snow and adverse weather conditions. Let’s unpack what that all means. Every driver who operates a vehicle around Lake Erie should be prepared for lake-effect...
3 dangers of driving in the fall
Fall is one of many people's favorite times of the year. The weather is cooling down, everyone is hanging Hallowe’en decorations and many special holidays are just around the corner, but it may also be one of the deadliest times of the year. People become so used to...
Will a big car keep you safer?
Car manufacturers market their oversize vehicles as offering you a safer ride. It is one of the things that convinces so many people to buy sports utility vehicles (SUVs), even though they have no intention of ever leaving the asphalt. The marketing materials are...
Can video evidence strengthen your auto crash claim?
Even when you know you did nothing to cause or contribute to your vehicle accident, you may still be worried about getting a fair settlement. Many victims must fight for fair compensation in the wake of a crash. Hard evidence proving that the other driver is at fault...
Did someone hit the back of your vehicle?
Car accidents can occur in numerous different ways. One of the most dangerous types is a rear-end collision. The reason why these are so dangerous is that those affected often don’t see them coming. This means that their neck, spine and head can be jolted on impact,...