Victims who manage to survive an underride truck accident often suffer catastrophic injuries. These crashes occur when a small vehicle gets swept under the trailer of a semitruck. Underride accidents may occur along the sides of 18-wheelers or in the rear of the truck. They may even happen in the front of a semi as well if it fails to stop in time to avoid a collision.
What makes these accidents so catastrophic is that the impact typically occurs in the head, neck and shoulder region. Many victims of underride accidents do not survive, and those that do may suffer severe brain injuries or spinal cord damage.
Who is liable for an underride accident?
When the accident was not your fault, it can be hard to determine liability. In some cases, the trucker may be at fault in the following ways.
- Driving while incapacitated or distracted
- Breaking traffic laws
- Driving recklessly or carelessly
- Operating the truck too slowly or too quickly
Other times, the trucking company may be liable for your injuries in a rear underride accident. Federal regulations mandate that some large trucks must have rear underride guards. If the vehicle that injured you was required to have these guards but did not, the trucking company may carry the responsibility for your harm.
Unfortunately, no federal regulations yet exist requiring trucks to have front and side underride guards. The devastating injuries that typically accompany these accidents require ongoing medical treatment, sometimes for life. Acquiring financial compensation for your suffering can alleviate the financial hardships you face in the wake of your crash.
Learn more about Ohio accident and injury laws to ensure you receive the maximum amount of compensation you deserve.